Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another day in Paradise (or so the advertisement goes)

Good morning everyone from the Canyon Ranch,

It is... wait... can it be? 4.30 am and I am wide awake. The wind is howling over the roof and I sneak out of the bedroom into our living quarters. The TV is still on, playing black and white movies, with Dean Martin singing away of love and passion... Ahhh... L-o-v-e... What would we do without it?
I am thinking of my Love sleeping tightly next door and I wonder if I should creep back for some 4-Letter (or 3 letter, as you wish) magic? Good idea, but first a trip to the 'all knowing and seeing' truth device in the bathroom to check my 'day after face'.

Oh goooosh...
Lights off!
Ok, one more try...Maybe... please maybe...
Lights on!
It is not a pretty sight, that's for sure. And the lighting is not helping, but instead enhancing every small- better to say big- problem on my face.
I guess my spiritual prayer did not work at all. Or maybe the Ferrari is taking revenge. I look like an overripe tomato, ready to explode and turn into...into... ketchup?
I could cry, but that would make matters no better, so lights off!
The sofa and Dean Martin seem to help just a little to forget my vain sorrow, while I google the product line used on my face, and standing proudly in front of me by the dozens. (I did not want to buy another set of creams and lotions, but hey, if someone promises perfection and a spot-free future, I happily pay)
Made in South Africa. Mhhh. Kate Moss is a fan. Mhhh. So is Naomi... Mhhh... Mhhhhhhh...
Ok, there is hope, maybe it is just today, and than.... PERFECTION after all? Christmas wish granted? Oh, yes, please, if the spiritual energy did not hear me, maybe SANTA will do better...Someone must be out there, anybody...
And what was it that I wanted to do before I faced the truth? There was something...
Oh yes, LOVE.
Never mind, LOVE must wait till I am spot free and peachy.
After all, I started living uber-healthy to clear my skin from persisting over 30's breakouts.
Spirulina, Zinc, Flax and sunflower seeds, Kefir, freshly squeezed carrot juice to fill up on beta carotene (Vitamin A), dandelion tea by the liter and lemon or lime water by some more liters.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the least spots of them all?
This regime has been on for 3 weeks now, and I will promise to post good news, if any!

It is really horrible to admit to ones own vanity, but I must confess- I am vain and spots are my number 1 issue, these days at least. 'As if this matters!' I can hear my Prince now. (I hear his voice, even when he is not around... scary!) Imagine what other people have to deal with. And he is right and I know it, and that's why I pull up those lips, up up up, and smile!


Time to wake the Prince or no breakfast, as 9 am is the latest to get fed.
Another day of testing or maybe I will just go on strike today and do some reading, or some biking. A picnic in the dessert sounds like fun, but where will I get some decent food to take along? Let's see what can be done...
By by for now and see you again later,


I am back. My stomach is in serious pain, once again. I think, sorry to say, that it is the food in America, generally. Too many chemicals, too many additives.
No picnic I guess, because what is a picnic without the picnic?
No testing either, I am on strike and since I am in pain, I have a good excuse!
Will have some beauty rest and some time to reflect, if the cries inside my belly let me...
Oh, today is THANKSGIVING...
Damn, I got an IDEA!
Why not cook, instead of having another 'Gourmet-bland'?
Turkey, sweet potato mash, pumpkin soup...And a bottle of red.
Oh, that sounds like heaven and I am super excited!!!
Ordering a taxi now!

If you would see my face now, you would know. Lime face (but pink color now).
Lips pulled down and not by gravity.
I am sitting here, with my cheap mini plastic (ouch) bottle of red, purchased for a fortune at the local Gas station market and some look alike Mozzarella stuff that a sweet waiter stole for me from the kitchen. I am starving and I am  extremely annoyed and I am starving!!!
Especially with that delicious 'could have been-but isn't' dinner in my mind.

"It's Thanksgiving honey. Supermarkets are closed today. You ain't goin to cook notting!", the big mama said...

Luck is not with me, the spiritual energy must be away on pre-xmas-vacation and Santa, well, still sleeping or wrapping. Who knows, but one thing to look forward to - it's NEW YORK tomorrow, and I will find the best restaurant close to our hotel and savour the night away with my Prince...

I am going into my big cozy bed now, 007 Marathon is on, oh Mr. Bond, Sean or Roger, you have a way... to make me forget... to make me...
Prince meanwhile goes for dinner, must be good today he says. Well not me and I would be very surprised if there was a change, just because turkey..

From Tuscun with love

Last very important thought for tonight: do I need a Clarasonic face brush? The facialist used it on me and said it is an absolute must, especially for oily skin, prone to misbehavior... It is really just like an oversized toothbrush and I do wonder, is it worth it the almost 200 $? Or will it end up in the dusty cupboard, next to the electric shaver, epilator, Furby or the latest purchase of a dinosaur called PLEO?
I will do some meditation on this matter and some more google studies and decide in the  morning hour. Too tired now, guess jet lag is finally getting the better of me. To brush or not to brush... that is now the question...

Clarasonic facial brush: A rotating waterproof monster brush that cleanses the skin deeply, removes blackheads and exfoliates. Leaves skin glowing and smooth and it's also said to remove fine lines...That last promise is rather scary, because erasing lines by simply brushing seems a reason of worry... More than 30 years of smiles, brushed a way in a night? How awful!

Prince returns. Food was awful. He brought some samples for me (in plastic containers, no porcelain at the luxurious Ranch) to investigate. The turkey, a perfectly cut square piece, looks pretty close to a cardboard slice. Appetizing.
Same sauce though, the one used for all meals at the ranch.

I really don't know what Conde Nast was thinking when calling this place the uberduber something. I think the magazine just fell from my admiration throne, into nowhere land.

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