Sunday, December 13, 2009

Goethe's Faust and Accutane

It was nice to be 'home'.
I did nothing, but sleep, read, eat and watch cheesy movies by the fireplace.
We did make the effort and put up the beautiful plastic tree, to warm up the house, just for me really.

Greece is in a big tumult and is not looking good though.
Trash spills over the shopping streets once again, broken glass from shop-windows (souvenirs from mini riots in honor of the boy killed a year ago in a clash between youths and police) litters the sidewalks and the overall vibe is rather bleak and murky. Not at all the merry mood one expects for the festive season. But, at least there is a tree this year (last year the poor thing got burned, twice!), that must be guarded 24/7.
Greece must be the only country where even a Xmas tree needs bodyguards...

I also went to see a dermatologist, once again. One more opinion.
A female Doctor, who apparently successfully fixed the spotty  days of Mrs. Moneypenny's daughters. (Prince's secretary)
Promising as it may sound, they are 12 and 14.
The office of youthful (perfect complexion) Anetta was surprisingly clean, airy and modern. Rare stuff in Greece, where usually one is greeted by heavy furniture with gold trim, thick ‘alive’ carpets, the wall sharing every last centimeter with shiny icons and diplomas and the ever prevailing cloud of cigarette smoke.(never mind smoking was officially banned a few months back... a law is really just a friendly advise, nothing else)
First time ever someone took time for my spots.
Anetta gave me over 1h, to talk, to see, to ask...
She explained everything patiently and I learned with amazement, how common 'little' beauty jobs are in sleepy Greece. Who would have thought?
Just like America. Ladies drop by in their lunch breaks. A little Botox, a little collagen fill-up, a little laser here and there. Waving all kind of weapons in front of me (one looked like a miniature fire extinguisher) she seems ecstatic by the magic power they possess. One can burn away spots. One can freeze away a blotch. And others just erase the path of time.
When she offered to try deep-freezing my blotches I declined. Never know what happens in Eskimo-land. If ever, first I need to research all this methods. And it is SCARY!!!
Anetta also found, that I have 2 problems (besides all the blotches-freckles- from sun damage)- Rosacea and Acne.
They need combat treatment.
She prescribed antibiotics for a test run, but also mentioned the all-spot-clearing-god-like-super-drug: *ACCUTANE.
Once again. The evil forces seem to follow me.
I also got an anti-spot cream for the morning and an anti-rosacea cream for the night.
More tubes, more money, more testing.
Poor skin... Poor me...
But I must admit, from all the Docs I have seen, I trust most in this charmingly fresh lady, as she seems kind, human and sincere and she does have a glowing complexion!
Let's see what will happen, as my cheeks look pretty close to pizza deluxe.

And this was all the news from Anna reporting from Greece

Food for thought
Thought on vanity
Health or beauty? What wins?

Accutane Side Effects as reported by "The PDR® Family Guide To Prescription Drugs®"
Most important fact about this drug: 
Because Accutane can cause severe birth defects, including mental retardation and physical malformations, a woman must not become pregnant while taking it. If you are a woman of childbearing age, your doctor will ask you to sign a detailed consent form before you start taking Accutane. If you accidentally become pregnant while taking the medication, you should immediately consult your doctor.
More common accutane side effects may include: 
Conjunctivitis (``pinkeye''), dry or fragile skin, dry or cracked lips, dry mouth, dry nose, itching, joint pains, nosebleed

Less common accutane side effects may include:Bowel inflammation and pain, chest pain, decreased night vision, decreased tolerance to contact lenses, delay in wound healing, depression, fatigue, headache, nausea, peeling palms or soles, rash, skin infections, stomach and intestinal discomfort, sunburn-sensitive skin, thinning hair, urinary discomfort, vision problems, vomiting
Special warnings about this medication:
When you first start taking Accutane, it is possible that your acne will get worse before it starts to get better.

If you are a woman of childbearing age and you are considering taking Accutane, you will be given both spoken and written warnings about the importance of avoiding pregnancy during the treatment. You will be asked to sign a consent form noting that:
- Accutane is a powerful, "last resort'' medication for severe acne;
- You must not take Accutane if you are pregnant or may become pregnant during treatment; 
- If you get pregnant while taking Accutane, your baby will be at high risk for birth defects; 
- If you take Accutane, you must use effective birth control from 1 month before the start of treatment through 1 month after the end of treatment; 
- You must test negative for pregnancy within 2 weeks before starting Accutane, and you must start Accutane on the second or third day of your menstrual period; 
- You may participate in a program that includes an initial free pregnancy test and birth control counseling session; 
- If you become pregnant, you must immediately stop taking Accutane and see your doctor; 
- You have read and understood the Accutane patient brochure and asked your doctor any questions you had; 
- You are not currently pregnant and do not plan to become pregnant for at least 30 days after you finish taking Accutane; |
- You have been invited to participate in a survey of women being treated with Accutane.
Some people taking Accutane, including some who simultaneously took tetracycline, have experienced headache, nausea, and visual disturbances caused by increased pressure within the skull. See a doctor immediately if you have these symptoms; if the doctor finds swelling of the optic nerve at the back of your eye, you must stop taking Accutane at once and see a neurologist for further care.

Be careful driving at night. Some people have experienced a sudden decrease in night vision.
Some people taking Accutane have had problems regulating their blood sugar level.
You may not be able to tolerate your contact lenses during and after your therapy with Accutane.
You should stop taking Accutane immediately if you have abdominal pain, bleeding from the rectum, or severe diarrhea. You may have an inflammatory disease of the bowel.
You should not donate blood during your therapy with Accutane and for a month after you stop taking it.

Mental problems and suicide. Some patients, while taking Accutane or soon after stopping Accutane, have become depressed or developed other serious mental problems. Signs of these problems include feelings of sadness, irritability, unusual tiredness, trouble concentrating, and loss of appetite. Some patients taking Accutane have had thoughts about hurting themselves or putting an end to their own lives. There were reports that some of these people did not appear depressed. No one knows if Accutane caused these behaviors or if they would have happened even if the person did not take Accutane.

That is a lot of bad MAYBES for glowing skin. To think of it, it reminds me a bit of Goethe's Faust.
To remind you, Faust sold his soul to the devil for divine knowledge.
But how much is knowledge worth, if you got no soul left?
So Accutane is just like a pact with the devil. You sell your smile (depression), your right to become the mother of a healthy child, you might endure pain, your vision may fail in the dark and some other 'minor' problems in health, like skin falling of when kissing and your lush curls thinning... But hey, you will have the most beautiful clear complexion.
If your vision starts failing, how will you be able to admire that perfect glow?
And worst scenario, if you jump out a window, that glow will die with you, won't it?

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